Can You Eat While Wearing Invisalign? And Other Frequently Asked Questions

Invisalign clear aligners are the orthodontic tool of choice for patients who need to straighten their teeth. Invisalign helps patients straighten their teeth and correct problems with their bite, all with help from transparent aligners that are designed to be subtle. As your orthodontist in Franklin, TN, our patients commonly ask questions about Invisalign. If you too have questions and would like to know more, we can help.

1. Can you eat while wearing Invisalign?

No, don’t eat while wearing Invisalign. Invisalign is easy to remove for meals and snacks. While you’re eating, put your Invisalign aligners somewhere safe, like your case, where you won’t lose them. Once the meal is over, brush your teeth, rinse your aligners, and put them back in.

2. Should you leave Invisalign In While Sleeping?

Leave Invisalign in while you sleep unless your dentist directs you to do otherwise. Most patients wear Invisalign all the time except when eating. Most people need to wear Invisalign as often as 20 to 22 hours each day.

3. How long does Invisalign take to work?

Invisalign can work in 12 to 18 months. Some patients need to wear a retainer after they’ve finished with Invisalign in Franklin, TN. Every case is different, so your orthodontist will have to tell you how long you’ll need to wear Invisalign and whether you’ll need a retainer when the treatment is over.

Are you interested in Invisalign? If so, contact Cool Spring Orthodontics to make an appointment for an evaluation. Once we’ve determined whether Invisalign is a good product for your needs, we can help you get started with treatment.

3 Myths About Invisalign

If you want the benefits of straight teeth and a beautiful smile but you do not want the frustration of braces and brackets, Invisalign may be the right solution for you. At Cool Springs Orthodontics, we are pleased to be an Invisalign Orthodontist in Franklin TN. As we have worked with patients over the years, we have discovered several myths our patients believe about this treatment option. Here are some of these myths, and the truth about how this treatment works.

Invisalign Only Works for Simple Problems

This myth states that people who have mild problems can use Invisalign, but those with severe malocclusions and alignment problems need traditional graces. Invisalign can treat most orthodontic concerns. Through special attachments and devices, you can benefit from this nearly invisible treatment option, even if you have severe concerns.

Invisalign Requires Less Oral Hygiene

Even though you can remove Invisalign aligners, you still must brush and floss well when using them. Plaque buildup may be less of a struggle without brackets, but it can still happen. When it does, it can even stain the aligners, eliminating some of the benefits of Invisalign.

Invisalign is Only for Adults

While adults may be the more common market for Invisalign, the treatment is available for both adolescents and adults. Young patients may need more help remembering to wear their aligners, but the treatment works for people of most age groups.

If you are curious about learning whether you are a candidate for Invisalign, we are here to help. Reach out to our orthodontic team today to schedule a consultation to discuss your bite and whether Invisalign could help.

Does Invisalign Work For Adults?

Are you unhappy about crooked or misaligned teeth? Does your tooth alignment impact the way you talk or how you chew? Are you always biting the inside of your mouth, or do you feel self-conscious about the appearance of your teeth? Invisalign may be the right tool for you – even if you’re an adult.

Many adults assume that if they did not address tooth misalignment problems in their youth it’s too late to get their teeth straightened. This is not the case! Invisalign is a great tool if you have crooked or misaligned teeth. Your orthodontist in Franklin, TN can help.

Can You Correct Tooth Alignment Problems In Adulthood?

Even in adulthood, tooth alignment problems can be corrected. Many adults get braces, but many others turn to Invisalign because they like the subtle appearance and easy functionality of Invisalign clear aligners.

Who Is a Good Candidate for Invisalign?

You may be a candidate for Invisalign if you have mild to moderate tooth alignment problems. You may also be a good candidate for Invisalign if your tooth alignment goals are cosmetic rather than structural.

How Does Invisalign Work?

Invisalign clear aligners are made from clear plastic. Each aligner is custom-made for your mouth. Aligners fit tight against your teeth and gently move them into the correct position. During your Invisalign treatment, you’ll be given a series of aligners, with each one in the series moving your teeth a little closer to the end goal.

What Are the Benefits of Invisalign?

Invisalign has many benefits that attract adult patients, including:

  • Subtle appearance. Invisalign is clear and difficult to see, even up close.
  • Easy to remove. Invisalign can be removed for meals and cleaning, so Invisalign aligners are easy to maintain. This also means that Invisalign won’t affect your diet like braces.

If you have misaligned teeth and want to correct the problem, Invisalign in Franklin, TN, can help. Adult patients can wear Invisalign to correct mild to moderate tooth alignment problems. The professionals at Cool Water Orthodontics can help you decide if Invisalign is right for you.

What to Know When You’re Making Your Decision On Getting Invisalign

Many teenagers easily feel self-conscious about their appearance, so teenagers who need braces often prefer Invisalign. Unlike traditional braces, Invisalign can’t be easily seen, and won’t impact a person’s smile when being worn.

What many parents don’t know is that there are many benefits of Invisalign that go beyond aesthetics. If your child has been told by their dental professional in Franklin TN that they need braces, you might be considering Invisalign. Here’s what you need to know about these amazing modern braces.

What Is Invisalign?

Invisalign is a clear plastic dental tool that fits over the teeth. Like braces, Invisalign gently guides the teeth into correct alignment over an extended period. Most people who need braces can use Invisalign instead of traditional braces to align their teeth and make their smile beautiful.

Benefits of Invisalign

There are many benefits of Invisalign, especially if you’re comparing Invisialign to traditional braces. Some benefits to be aware of include:

  • Invisalign can be removed. Whereas traditional braces cannot be removed except by a dental professional, Invisalign can be taken out for meals and other events. This means that your teenager can eat all their preferred foods without concerns about damaging their braces.
  • Invisalign is easy to maintain. To clean Invisalign, simply take them out and wash them. When the cleaning is done, they can be put back in easily.
  • Cleaning your teeth is easy with Invisalign. Whereas flossing and teeth cleaning can be difficult with traditional braces, Invisalign makes it easy for your teenager to maintain good oral hygiene.

Want More Information? Call Today

Do you have more questions about Invisalign in Franklin TN? Call your dental professional at Cool Springs Orthodontics today. We can give you information you need to decide whether Invisalign is right for your teenager.

Invisalign Vs Braces: What to Know

Teeth and jaw misalignments can create a variety of problems, including oral hygiene issues, speech impediments, and pain when opening and closing your mouth. If you have these problems, your orthodontist in Franklin TN may recommend Invisalign or braces to straighten your teeth. Deciding between these two solutions can be difficult, so it helps to know more about each. Here’s what to know when comparing braces and Invisalign.

Invisalign Can Be Removed for Day to Day Use, Braces Stay In

Invisalign can be removed for a variety of day-to-day activities. Whenever you eat and clean your teeth, you can take Invisalign off. Braces always stay in. Removability makes cleaning your teeth much easier since Invisalign will never get in the way of brushing and flossing.

Removability also makes it easier to eat the everyday foods that you enjoy. People who wear braces have to be careful about the foods they eat because hard foods and sticky foods can damage braces, fragile wires, and brackets. People who wear Invisalign can eat whatever foods they want because they can take Invisalign out before the meal begins.

Invisalign is Hard to See, Braces Are Easily Visible

Invisalign is so named because clear aligners are so hard to see. Up close, Invisalign is barely visible. From far away, you can’t tell when someone is wearing Invisalign. Braces, on the other hand, can impact the appearance of your smile while they’re on. Some people feel self-conscious when they wear braces.

Want to know more about braces and Invisalign? Call Cool Springs Orthodontics to learn more. Call today to make an appointment.

The Biggest Myths about Invisalign® Dental Aligners

If you need to have your teeth straightened, you probably hear different stories from your friends and social media. And there are plenty of myths about Invisalign® out there. Your best bet is to talk with your orthodontist in Franklin, TN, to get the truth. But until then, let’s debunk some of the most common lies about Invisalign® dental aligners.

You Have to Wear Your Invisalign® Dental Aligners 24 Hours a Day

Well, this is kind of true, but not exactly. You do have to wear your Invisalign® dental aligners at all times, even when you are sleeping. The only time you should take your aligners out is when you are eating, drinking a hot beverage, or brushing and flossing your teeth.

Other than that, you must wear your dental aligners at all times. If you don’t have the discipline to do that, then you might want to talk with your orthodontist about an alternative option, such as traditional metal braces.

There Are Diet Restrictions with Invisalign® Dental Aligners

No, this is false; there are no diet restrictions for dental aligners. However, you do have to take them out while you are eating or drinking a hot beverage.

Invisalign® Dental Aligners Can Only Correct Mildly Crooked Teeth

This is false.Invisalign® dental aligners in Franklin, TN, can correct more than just a few crooked teeth. They can also correct mild gaps, overbites, underbites, crossbites, and even teeth crowding.

The Invisalign® Treatment Takes Longer Than Traditional Braces

This is false. Traditional metal braces will take 18 months to three years to straighten your teeth. Depending on the condition of your teeth, Invisalign® can correct your teeth within as little as six months, with the average wear time coming in at 10-12 months, which is still quicker than traditional metal braces.

Invisalign® Dental Aligners Are More Expensive Than Traditional Braces

You would think that a newer, more modern product would cost more. But this is false. The truth is that Invisalign® costs just about the same as traditional metal braces. And Invisalign® is covered by most dental insurance.

Looking for an Exceptional Orthodontist in Franklin, TN?

Investing in a beautiful smile comes with a lifelong reward. Let us help you achieve a perfect smile with Invisalign®. Please Contact Cool Water Orthodontics today. We would love to help you perfect your smile!

Who Is an Ideal Candidate for Invisalign?

For most people, the idea of metal braces feels like a situation to be endured, but not necessarily enjoyed. Invisalign aligners provide a nearly invisible way to address problems with your teeth. If you are considering Invisalign treatment, one of the first questions to ask your orthodontist is whether or not you are a good candidate. The good news is that most people can use Invisalign for their orthodontic needs. Here’s a closer look at who would be considered an ideal Invisalign patient.

You Have a Typical Orthodontic Issue

Invisalign works for most cases where traditional brace provide sufficient support and alignment help. It can address gaps, crowding, overbites, underbites, protruding teeth, and crooked teeth.

However, if you have an issue that requires movement of the jawbone, you may not be a good candidate. This is typically only for those who have severe overbites or underbites. New technology and appliances mean it may be possible to treat more severe problems with the aligners, but you will need to talk to your orthodontist.

You Will Consistently Wear Invisalign Aligners

For Invisalign to work, you need to wear it at all times except when eating. Older teens and adults are more likely to stick to this plan than young children. If the aligners are not in place at least 22 hours a day, they won’t work. Many orthodontists will require a specific age range for Invisalign treatment in Franklin for this reason.

You Have Lost All Your Baby Teeth

Invisalign is best for patients who have lost all of their baby teeth, or at least the first molars and incisors are adult teeth. The changes that happen with the mouth prior to this time can make Invisalign treatment more challenging, and traditional braces may be a better choice. Your orthodontist will help you decide if your child is too young for Invisalign, if you wish to go that route.

Invisalign provides a way to straighten teeth without the frustration and pain of braces. If you are interested in Invisalign treatment, reach out to the Franklin orthodontists at Cool Water Orthodontics to learn more.

How Often Should I Clean My Clear Aligners?

Clear aligners are generally easier to maintain than traditional braces. They require less fuss because you can eat what you like and fewer dentist appointments because you won’t have to worry about adjusting wires or brackets. Of course, that doesn’t mean that you won’t have any responsibilities when it comes to upkeep. We’ll look at the schedule if you’re wondering how often you’ll need to clean your clear aligners in Franklin, TN.

When Should I Clean My Clear Aligners?

You should typically clean your clear aligners at the same time you brush your teeth. Ideally, you should also run them under lukewarm water no matter when you take them out throughout the day. This not only keeps them fresh and clean for when you pop them back into your mouth, but it also minimizes the odds of bacterial buildup. Make sure that the water isn’t hot because you’re more liable to warp the plastic.

How Should I Clean My Aligners?

The best way to clean your aligners is to use a soft-bristled toothbrush and scrub along the inside and outside of the aligner. You can also soak your aligners once daily using a cleaning tablet and water solution for around 15 minutes. Soaking them will disinfect without distorting the plastic. Do not use mouthwash or bleach, as this can damage your investment. If you’re storing your clear aligners at night, it should be easy to snap them into a case. If you’re taking them out to eat or drink, keeping them clean and secure is important. In other words, avoid wrapping them up in tissues or napkins.

Find an Orthodontist in Franklin, TN

At Cool Water Orthodontics, we know just how convenient clear aligners can be for our patients. While it does take a little while to adjust to wearing them, the cleaning and storage schedule quickly become routine. If you’re looking for an orthodontist in Franklin, TN, who can help you select the best oral appliances for you, our team is here to make the process as painless as possible. Contact us today to learn more about our services or to schedule an appointment for a clear aligner evaluation.

5 Benefits of Invisalign® For Teens

Since becoming available inFranklin, TN, Invisalign® clear aligners for teens have been hugely popular. This style of orthodontics has revolutionized the entire field, offering unprecedented convenience and comfort for wearers, especially as compared to traditional metal braces. Teens are many times more likely to request Invisalign®, and it’s no wonder why, considering all the benefits of Invisalign® for teens:

1. Appearance

Invisalign® is a low-profile orthodontic solution for mild to medium alignment issues. Teens value the appearance of these aligners because they are barely noticeable. As children grow and become more self-aware, they also become more self-conscious. Teens, especially, often tend to dislike looking different than their peers. Invisalign® allows teens to feel like they fit in better with their friends.

2. Removability

Invisalign® aligners can be removed for eating, cleaning, oral hygiene and for special occasions. This benefit means that teens can take the aligner out for school pictures, sports activities and other events when the aligner is less convenient to wear.

3. Comfort

Metal braces, for all their effectiveness, can be very uncomfortable. Teens notice that metal braces aren’t great when they want to engage in natural and intimate activities, such as kissing. The brackets also irritate the soft tissue of the lips and gums of the wearer. Invisalign® aligners are much less abrasive and much more comfortable. They can even be removed for brief periods during those special times when teens are exploring romantic relationships.

4. Fewer Office Visits

Compared to traditional metal braces, Invisalign® clear aligners require fewer dental visits. This is helpful for teens who are often very busy with homework, after-school sports, social activities, or simply enjoying family time. It’s also helpful because teens have to take fewer days off from school in order to visit the dentist.

5. Responsibility

Teens can learn more about self-discipline and personal responsibility with Invisalign® clear aligners since they do require extra care and maintenance. Overall, this can help a teen become more responsible in their lives.

Invisalign® for teens is not just about improving smiles but also about minimizing the impact of orthodontic treatment on a teen’s everyday life. With its numerous advantages, it’s no wonder that Invisalign® has become a popular choice among teenagers looking for a less conspicuous, more comfortable orthodontic treatment option. Contact yourorthodontist in Franklin, TN, to learn more.

Are Clear Aligners Safer than Traditional Braces?

Millions of people worldwide love clear aligners because they eliminate the need for traditional braces. Yet, there’s more to these dental appliances than esthetics. If you’re wondering if clear aligners in Franklin, TN, are safer, we’ll examine what you should know about the two.

Clear Aligner Safety

Clear aligners like Invisalign in Franklin, TN, are typically considered safer than traditional braces. However, it’s important to note that the differences in safety are relatively minor. Because clear aligners are removable and they don’t involve brackets or wires, there are fewer risks to sensitive gums and cheeks. This means fewer cuts and less irritation overall. So, while traditional braces aren’t unsafe in that they don’t pose any major health risks, they can lead to more mouth abrasions.

Additional Advantages of Invisalign

Invisalign allows patients to take care of their teeth the same way they did before they needed clear aligners. So, unlike traditional braces, where floss needs to be threaded in between the brackets and food particles build up along the surface of the wires, it’s easier to stick to an optimal oral hygiene routine. It is possible to keep up with brushing and flossing with traditional braces, though there is an increased risk of tooth damage or decay simply due to impediments.

Invisalign also doesn’t require patients to change their eating habits. Clear aligners allow you to remove the trays whenever you eat, so you don’t have to worry about skipping out on popcorn or taffy. This can make keeping up with the recommended schedule easier, which is especially important for teens and adolescents who may resent their latest responsibilities.

Invisalign in Franklin, TN

There are some people who can’t get clear aligners due to the severity of their oral health. Invisalign works best in mild to moderate cases, and for some patients, only traditional braces will do. However, if it’s at all possible to get clear aligners, an orthodontist in Franklin, TN will typically recommend them before any other treatment. Traditional braces certainly aren’t unsafe, but they open the door to more potential issues (including small cuts that can eventually lead to bigger problems).