4 Things You Can Do to Help Your Little One Avoid Braces

Braces can be expensive, but you can help your child avoid braces through these best practices! Working with your child’s orthodontist in Franklin, TN, and following the recommendations below, you can help your child have healthy straight teeth that don’t require braces.

1. Stop Pacifier Use When It’s Recommended

Prolonged use of a pacifier can affect your child’s bite, leading to a need for braces later. Pacifiers have been shown to reduce instances of SIDS, so the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommends the use of pacifiers starting from about one month old. Experts recommend stopping use of a pacifier by the time the baby is about 2 or 3 years old, to avoid problems with your child’s bite.

2. Stop Thumb Sucking Before Permanent Teeth Come In

Thumb sucking, just like use of a pacifier, can lead to problems with your child’s bite. Experts disagree on when it’s best to stop thumb sucking, although it may depend partially on how often and how hard your child sucks their thumb.

Many say that you should stop your child from sucking their thumb by the time their permanent teeth come in, while some experts say that your child should stop thumb sucking by the time they’re three years old.

3. Don’t Leave Loose Baby Teeth In For Too Long

Loose baby teeth that stay in too long can lead permanent teeth coming in to grow sideways. If your child’s tooth is so loose that it’s barely hanging there, it’s time to take the tooth out. Avoid taking the tooth out early, as this can cause bleeding or discomfort.

4. Take Your Child to the Orthodontist for Early Treatment

Children can be evaluated by an orthodontist as early as 7 years old. To find out if your child needs braces in Franklin, TN, contact Cool Springs Orthodontics today.

3 Things You Can Do to Take Care Of Your Braces

Your braces are important tools for straightening your teeth and correcting problems with your bite. You can help straighten your teeth faster by caring for your braces.

Your orthodontist in Franklin, TN, can help by providing you with good advice about braces maintenance and care. Below, we’ve listed three things you can do to take care of your braces and avoid problems with your teeth or the braces themselves.

1. Eat the Right Foods

Hard, crusty foods can cause your braces to break. Sticky, tacky candies like caramel can stick to your braces, making your braces difficult to clean. You can avoid these problems by eating foods that are soft and unlikely to damage your braces (or stick to them). Yogurt, oatmeal, and soups are all good examples of the types of food that can help you take care of your braces.

Some foods to avoid include:

  • Hard, crusty bread
  • Hard nuts like almonds
  • Hard candies
  • Sticky candies

2. Floss

It’s tempting to stop flossing once braces are put on your teeth. Braces can make flossing difficult because the wires get in the way of floss. It’s important to keep flossing even after braces have been installed.

Your dentist can show you how to floss. Your dentist may also recommend tools for flossing that can get around braces, like water floss or orthodontic floss. Either way, keep up your flossing habit, even after braces are installed.

3. Visit Your Orthodontist Regularly

Your orthodontist can help catch problems with your braces before they become serious. Visit your orthodontist if you’re noticing a problem with your braces in Franklin, TN, and keep up with your regular appointments to adjust your braces.

The Do’s and Don’ts of Eating with Traditional Metal Braces

Are you thinking about, or have you just gotten braces? If so, you probably want to know what you can and can’t eat with your new braces, including what you should avoid altogether. Your orthodontist in Franklin, TN will tell you exactly what you should and shouldn’t do when you have braces. However, it helps to have this information in advance. So let’s talk about eating with braces.

The Do’s and Don’ts of Eating with Traditional Metal Braces

Here are some of the foods you should avoid altogether if you have traditional metal braces.

  • Popcorn

Popcorn kernels get stuck in your gums and the metal brackets must be removed to get them out.

  • Hard or Sticky Candy

Hard and sticky candies could cause the metal brackets to break and/or cause the wires to move, making your braces uncomfortable to wear.

  • Nuts

Just like hard candy, nuts are also hard and could cause the metal brackets to break off or the wires to bend.

  • Corn on the Cob

Corn on the cob should never be eaten if you are wearing braces because it almost always results in bending the wires and causing the brackets to come off.

  • Chewing Gum

Chewing gum is sticky; therefore, it gets stuck in the wires and brackets causing them to dislodge.

Modifying Foods So They Can be Eaten If You Have Braces

There are some foods that can be modified so that you can still eat them if you have braces.

  • Raw Fruits and Vegetables

Raw fruits and vegetables can be chopped up into smaller pieces, so they are easier to eat. It’s also recommended that when you eat them, you use your back teeth to chew.

  • Meats

Meat is extremely fibrous and can be hard to chew even without braces. Therefore, you should cook your meat in a way that softens it making it easier to chew. For example, using a slow cooker to cook your meat. Then you should cut it into small pieces, so it is easier to chew.

  • Cheeses

Cheese notoriously gets stuck in the space between the metal wires and your teeth. You can try cutting the cheese into small pieces and eating it that way while trying to avoid your braces.

Things You Can Do To Take Care of Your Braces

Taking care of your braces is important for the health of your teeth and gums. However, it can be challenging because braces can’t be removed from your teeth for cleaning or eating. When you get braces, your orthodontist in Franklin, TN, will advise you on maintenance. Below are four things you can do.

1. Avoid Hard, Crunchy or Sticky Foods

Hard, crunchy, sticky foods easily damage braces. In addition, sticky foods can stick to your braces, making cleaning them much more difficult later. Some things you should avoid eating while you have braces include:

  • Rolls and bread with a hard crust
  • Nuts
  • Ice
  • Raw, crunchy vegetables
  • Popcorn
  • Chewing gum
  • Bagels
  • Pizza crust
  • Hard or sticky candy
  • Hard crackers and chips

If possible, eat softer foods while you have braces. Cooked vegetables, yogurt, fruits, soups, soft cheese, casseroles, and sandwiches without the hard crust are all safe foods to eat while you have braces.

2. Use Non-Abrasive Toothpaste

Use a non-abrasive, non-whitening toothpaste while you’re wearing braces. If you’re unsure which toothpastes are safe, talk to your dentist.

3. Use a Floss Threader to Floss

Flossing can be tough while you’re wearing braces. Fortunately, floss threaders can help with this. Purchase a floss threader to make flossing easier while you have braces, and floss daily.

4. Alert Your Orthodontist to Damage

If your braces become damaged while you’re wearing them, tell your orthodontist as soon as possible. If a wire is protruding and making you uncomfortable, you can use dental wax to cover the wire while you’re waiting to see the dentist.


Invisalign Vs Braces: What to Know

Teeth and jaw misalignments can create a variety of problems, including oral hygiene issues, speech impediments, and pain when opening and closing your mouth. If you have these problems, your orthodontist in Franklin TN may recommend Invisalign or braces to straighten your teeth. Deciding between these two solutions can be difficult, so it helps to know more about each. Here’s what to know when comparing braces and Invisalign.

Invisalign Can Be Removed for Day to Day Use, Braces Stay In

Invisalign can be removed for a variety of day-to-day activities. Whenever you eat and clean your teeth, you can take Invisalign off. Braces always stay in. Removability makes cleaning your teeth much easier since Invisalign will never get in the way of brushing and flossing.

Removability also makes it easier to eat the everyday foods that you enjoy. People who wear braces have to be careful about the foods they eat because hard foods and sticky foods can damage braces, fragile wires, and brackets. People who wear Invisalign can eat whatever foods they want because they can take Invisalign out before the meal begins.

Invisalign is Hard to See, Braces Are Easily Visible

Invisalign is so named because clear aligners are so hard to see. Up close, Invisalign is barely visible. From far away, you can’t tell when someone is wearing Invisalign. Braces, on the other hand, can impact the appearance of your smile while they’re on. Some people feel self-conscious when they wear braces.

Want to know more about braces and Invisalign? Call Cool Springs Orthodontics to learn more. Call today to make an appointment.

Are Clear Aligners Safer than Traditional Braces?

Millions of people worldwide love clear aligners because they eliminate the need for traditional braces. Yet, there’s more to these dental appliances than esthetics. If you’re wondering if clear aligners in Franklin, TN, are safer, we’ll examine what you should know about the two.

Clear Aligner Safety

Clear aligners like Invisalign in Franklin, TN, are typically considered safer than traditional braces. However, it’s important to note that the differences in safety are relatively minor. Because clear aligners are removable and they don’t involve brackets or wires, there are fewer risks to sensitive gums and cheeks. This means fewer cuts and less irritation overall. So, while traditional braces aren’t unsafe in that they don’t pose any major health risks, they can lead to more mouth abrasions.

Additional Advantages of Invisalign

Invisalign allows patients to take care of their teeth the same way they did before they needed clear aligners. So, unlike traditional braces, where floss needs to be threaded in between the brackets and food particles build up along the surface of the wires, it’s easier to stick to an optimal oral hygiene routine. It is possible to keep up with brushing and flossing with traditional braces, though there is an increased risk of tooth damage or decay simply due to impediments.

Invisalign also doesn’t require patients to change their eating habits. Clear aligners allow you to remove the trays whenever you eat, so you don’t have to worry about skipping out on popcorn or taffy. This can make keeping up with the recommended schedule easier, which is especially important for teens and adolescents who may resent their latest responsibilities.

Invisalign in Franklin, TN

There are some people who can’t get clear aligners due to the severity of their oral health. Invisalign works best in mild to moderate cases, and for some patients, only traditional braces will do. However, if it’s at all possible to get clear aligners, an orthodontist in Franklin, TN will typically recommend them before any other treatment. Traditional braces certainly aren’t unsafe, but they open the door to more potential issues (including small cuts that can eventually lead to bigger problems).

Traditional Braces vs. Lingual Braces

When choosing which type of braces in Franklin, TN, you have several options. Thanks to advances in orthodontics, you no longer have to settle for traditional metal braces. However, these braces still have a lot to offer, which is why so many dental patients still choose them. The closest counterpart to traditional braces is lingual braces. Here is a comprehensive comparison between the two, so you and your orthodontist can make the best choice for your circumstances and preferences.

Visibility – Traditional Braces

Traditional braces are made up of metal brackets and wires, which your orthodontist attaches to the fronts of the teeth. Because of how they’re attached, they’re highly visible when the person speaks and smiles. This is a drawback for anyone who might be self-conscious.

Visibility – Lingual Braces

Lingual braces are made of materials similar to traditional braces, but they are attached to the insides of the teeth. This makes them much more discreet and appealing to persons who want to keep a low profile on their orthodontic work.

Comfort – Traditional Braces

Traditional braces’ metal brackets and wires may cause discomfort or irritation to the lips, cheeks, and tongue. Patients often experience soreness after adjustments, although technological advancements have made them more comfortable over the years.

Comfort – Lingual Braces

Lingual braces have a reputation for being more comfortable for the wearer and not irritating the insides of the lips. However, they can still irritate the tongue.

Maintenance – Traditional Braces

It’s challenging for traditional braces wearers to maintain good oral hygiene. Food particles tend to stick in the brackets, and regular flossing is impossible due to the wires connecting each tooth. However, water flossers and conscientious food choices can help minimize these concerns.

Maintenance – Lingual Braces

Because lingual braces are behind the teeth, it’s harder to see if food debris remains after brushing. Water flossers help, but the challenge is not seeing the actual braces. Wearers may need to use a dental mirror to check each tooth, which is time-consuming and cumbersome.

Both traditional braces and lingual braces are highly effective at their primary purpose. The choice should be made after consultation with your orthodontist in Franklin, TN. Contact us today to book an appointment.

How to Care For Lingual Braces

Many improvements have been made in orthodontics in recent years, including the invention of lingual braces. For anyone who needs braces, lingual braces have proven to be a welcome change from traditional metal braces. Although not everyone chooses lingual braces in Franklin, TN, those who do need to know how to care for them and the teeth that are being treated with them.

What Are Lingual Braces?

Lingual braces are attached to the back of the teeth instead of the front. The term lingual refers to the tongue. Lingual braces are so named because the braces are attached to the side of the teeth closest to the tongue. The main reason why people choose lingual braces over traditional braces is because the metal brackets are not visible when smiling or talking.

How to Care For Lingual Braces

Lingual braces supposedly make it easier to clean teeth. This is true, but it only applies to the front of the teeth. In the back, it’s harder to see what’s happening because the braces will not be visible in the mirror.

You should make a special point of brushing behind the teeth. It’s also very helpful to use an electric or battery-operated water flosser. This will help ensure that all the food debris is washed away after eating. Rinse with an ADA-approved mouthwash, swishing the fluid between the teeth. Finally, avoid eating hard foods, including common ones like extra-crispy fried chicken and nuts.

Is There a Drawback to Lingual Braces?

Lingual braces do not directly affect speech in any way, but they do take some getting used to. At first, you may find it hard to get used to the sensation of the braces against the tongue. Over time, you may stop noticing it.

Another thing to know about lingual braces is that they don’t work any faster or different than traditional braces. For example, if you were to need about two years in regular metal braces, you would still need about that time in lingual braces. The major benefit of lingual braces over traditional braces is that they are so low-profile.

Lingual braces are durable but not infallible. For more information about lingual braces, including how to care for them, contact your orthodontist in Franklin, TN.

5 Benefits of Lingual Braces

Many advances have been made in the field of orthodontics. One of the most exciting is lingual braces, which are braces that attach to the teeth from the inside instead of front-facing. Many patients opt for lingual braces for the reasons cited below.

1. Appearance

For anyone concerned with appearance, lingual braces in Franklin, TN, can’t be beaten. In fact, aesthetics is one of the most common reasons that people choose lingual braces over alternatives. While lingual braces aren’t completely invisible, they are nearly undetectable, even close-up. They present a great option for both adults and teenagers, allowing wearers to smile confidently throughout the orthodontic journey.

2. Customizable

The latest versions of lingual braces are very customizable. They feature very well-fit brackets to match the teeth’ contours. This helps to ensure a high level of comfort and adds control and precision to the dentist’s treatment plan.

3. Minimal Irritation

One of the biggest challenges that wearers of traditional braces have is the irritation to the insides of the lips. The harsh metal rubbing up against soft tissue isn’t just irritating; it can cause microabrasions that have the potential to become infected. Rising with antibacterial mouthwash helps, but the experience causes an unpleasant burning sensation. With lingual braces, all that irritation is non-existent. This makes the adjustment period much easier for the patient.

4. Fewer Needed Adjustments

Patients with lingual braces often require fewer adjustments than those with traditional braces. This can mean shorter and less frequent appointments, saving time for busy professional adults and time-strapped, school-aged teenagers.

5. Easier Oral Hygiene

Another common challenge that traditional braces wearers face is oral hygiene. However, the enhanced design and positioning of lingual braces make it much easier to practice oral hygiene and ensure that food debris isn’t caught in the braces. Since the fronts of the teeth are not covered by brackets, it’s easier to spot plaque build-up and maintain crucial oral hygiene. This visibility also encourages better brushing and flossing habits.

If you need to get braces, it’s worth considering lingual braces. Talk to your orthodontist in Franklin, TN, for more information about this advanced orthodontic treatment and to find out if it’s right for you. Contact us today to book your appointment!

How to Prepare Your Teen for Braces  

Are you exploring braces for your teenager? Your dentist in Franklin, TN, can help you decide on the best option. We’ll help you talk with your teen about braces, too. And we’ll make sure you both understand what’s involved in preparing your teen’s teeth for orthodontia.

Explore the Different Types of Braces

Today, your teen has many more options from which to choose than you may have had as a child. Some are less noticeable than others. They include:

  • Metal braces — Metal braces are the most common, but they’re also the most noticeable. They use metal brackets that attach to the front of the teeth, connected by metal wires.
  • Lingual braces — Lingual braces are less noticeable because the metal brackets are placed behind your teeth to make them less visible to others.
  • Clear braces/ceramic braces — Ceramic braces blend in with the color of your teeth for a more discreet look, as opposed to metal braces.
  • Self-ligating braces — Self-ligating braces don’t use tiny elastic bands to keep the wires in place. These types of braces provide a more flawless, even appearance within the mouth.
  • Clear aligners — Clear aligners, such as Invisalign, are quite popular due to their invisible appearance. You can also take them out whenever you eat and brush your teeth, ensuring no food gets stuck in places you might not be able to reach with a toothbrush.

Brush and Floss Regularly Beforehand

The best thing your teen can do before getting braces is make their teeth sparkly clean. Brushing twice a day and flossing once a day the week before will not only ensure a clean slate to prevent bacteria buildup and cavities, but it will improve the health of gums beforehand. Flossing regularly is proven to strengthen gums, reduce sensitivity, and reduce inflammation. Three to ten days of regular flossing is all it takes to transform your gums into strong, healthy ones. Practicing good hygiene before getting braces will make it easier to clean them once the braces are on.

Call Today For a Consultation

Is your teenager due to get braces in Franklin, TN? At Cool Water Orthodontics, we have options. Visit our website or call today to learn more about the procedures we offer and which are best for your teen.