What to Know When You’re Making Your Decision On Getting Invisalign

Many teenagers easily feel self-conscious about their appearance, so teenagers who need braces often prefer Invisalign. Unlike traditional braces, Invisalign can’t be easily seen, and won’t impact a person’s smile when being worn.

What many parents don’t know is that there are many benefits of Invisalign that go beyond aesthetics. If your child has been told by their dental professional in Franklin TN that they need braces, you might be considering Invisalign. Here’s what you need to know about these amazing modern braces.

What Is Invisalign?

Invisalign is a clear plastic dental tool that fits over the teeth. Like braces, Invisalign gently guides the teeth into correct alignment over an extended period. Most people who need braces can use Invisalign instead of traditional braces to align their teeth and make their smile beautiful.

Benefits of Invisalign

There are many benefits of Invisalign, especially if you’re comparing Invisialign to traditional braces. Some benefits to be aware of include:

  • Invisalign can be removed. Whereas traditional braces cannot be removed except by a dental professional, Invisalign can be taken out for meals and other events. This means that your teenager can eat all their preferred foods without concerns about damaging their braces.
  • Invisalign is easy to maintain. To clean Invisalign, simply take them out and wash them. When the cleaning is done, they can be put back in easily.
  • Cleaning your teeth is easy with Invisalign. Whereas flossing and teeth cleaning can be difficult with traditional braces, Invisalign makes it easy for your teenager to maintain good oral hygiene.

Want More Information? Call Today

Do you have more questions about Invisalign in Franklin TN? Call your dental professional at Cool Springs Orthodontics today. We can give you information you need to decide whether Invisalign is right for your teenager.

Invisalign Vs Braces: What to Know

Teeth and jaw misalignments can create a variety of problems, including oral hygiene issues, speech impediments, and pain when opening and closing your mouth. If you have these problems, your orthodontist in Franklin TN may recommend Invisalign or braces to straighten your teeth. Deciding between these two solutions can be difficult, so it helps to know more about each. Here’s what to know when comparing braces and Invisalign.

Invisalign Can Be Removed for Day to Day Use, Braces Stay In

Invisalign can be removed for a variety of day-to-day activities. Whenever you eat and clean your teeth, you can take Invisalign off. Braces always stay in. Removability makes cleaning your teeth much easier since Invisalign will never get in the way of brushing and flossing.

Removability also makes it easier to eat the everyday foods that you enjoy. People who wear braces have to be careful about the foods they eat because hard foods and sticky foods can damage braces, fragile wires, and brackets. People who wear Invisalign can eat whatever foods they want because they can take Invisalign out before the meal begins.

Invisalign is Hard to See, Braces Are Easily Visible

Invisalign is so named because clear aligners are so hard to see. Up close, Invisalign is barely visible. From far away, you can’t tell when someone is wearing Invisalign. Braces, on the other hand, can impact the appearance of your smile while they’re on. Some people feel self-conscious when they wear braces.

Want to know more about braces and Invisalign? Call Cool Springs Orthodontics to learn more. Call today to make an appointment.

The Biggest Myths about Invisalign® Dental Aligners

If you need to have your teeth straightened, you probably hear different stories from your friends and social media. And there are plenty of myths about Invisalign® out there. Your best bet is to talk with your orthodontist in Franklin, TN, to get the truth. But until then, let’s debunk some of the most common lies about Invisalign® dental aligners.

You Have to Wear Your Invisalign® Dental Aligners 24 Hours a Day

Well, this is kind of true, but not exactly. You do have to wear your Invisalign® dental aligners at all times, even when you are sleeping. The only time you should take your aligners out is when you are eating, drinking a hot beverage, or brushing and flossing your teeth.

Other than that, you must wear your dental aligners at all times. If you don’t have the discipline to do that, then you might want to talk with your orthodontist about an alternative option, such as traditional metal braces.

There Are Diet Restrictions with Invisalign® Dental Aligners

No, this is false; there are no diet restrictions for dental aligners. However, you do have to take them out while you are eating or drinking a hot beverage.

Invisalign® Dental Aligners Can Only Correct Mildly Crooked Teeth

This is false.Invisalign® dental aligners in Franklin, TN, can correct more than just a few crooked teeth. They can also correct mild gaps, overbites, underbites, crossbites, and even teeth crowding.

The Invisalign® Treatment Takes Longer Than Traditional Braces

This is false. Traditional metal braces will take 18 months to three years to straighten your teeth. Depending on the condition of your teeth, Invisalign® can correct your teeth within as little as six months, with the average wear time coming in at 10-12 months, which is still quicker than traditional metal braces.

Invisalign® Dental Aligners Are More Expensive Than Traditional Braces

You would think that a newer, more modern product would cost more. But this is false. The truth is that Invisalign® costs just about the same as traditional metal braces. And Invisalign® is covered by most dental insurance.

Looking for an Exceptional Orthodontist in Franklin, TN?

Investing in a beautiful smile comes with a lifelong reward. Let us help you achieve a perfect smile with Invisalign®. Please Contact Cool Water Orthodontics today. We would love to help you perfect your smile!

Do Misaligned Baby Teeth Always Signal a Need for Orthodontic Intervention?

Parents sometimes ask: “If my child’s first teeth appear to be crooked or misaligned, does that mean we need to start budgeting for braces when a child gets older?”

At Cool Springs Orthodontics, we believe it’s not a question about whether those first teeth are crooked as much as it is about early evaluation to determine if other concerns exist that can lead to serious health issues later in life.

Early Detection Is Vital

Although most parents are pleased when their child’s first tooth breaks through the gum, some don’t fully realize that the first year to 18 months of a child’s life is also crucial to facial development and that development is typically almost complete by the age of six.

When we identify potential problems that can affect future facial growth and development early, there are more options for successful intervention. We recommend scheduling an appointment to check for possible jaw and bite alignment abnormalities at least by age two.

What Are Some of the Issues?

Jaw misalignment or uneven growth of upper and lower jaws and common “bad habits” of tongue thrusting, thumb sucking, or mouth breathing can all be detrimental to proper facial development. They are at least as worrisome as one or two crooked baby teeth.

Parents can sometimes decrease or eliminate the need for teenage dental braces by taking measures to assure proper facial growth, using noninvasive exercises, muscle training intervention, or perhaps nighttime head braces.

How to Proceed

Some abnormalities that lead to oral health issues, as well as certain breathing and sleep problems, are difficult to detect, and it is important that you have a specialist screen your young child for these things and for the potential need for braces.

Our specialists screen for misaligned teeth and other problems that can lead to dental issues and deteriorating oral hygiene.

Call us to discuss your concerns and to schedule your child’s examination with a full-service pediatric orthodontist.