Can You Eat While Wearing Invisalign? And Other Frequently Asked Questions

Invisalign clear aligners are the orthodontic tool of choice for patients who need to straighten their teeth. Invisalign helps patients straighten their teeth and correct problems with their bite, all with help from transparent aligners that are designed to be subtle. As your orthodontist in Franklin, TN, our patients commonly ask questions about Invisalign. If you too have questions and would like to know more, we can help.

1. Can you eat while wearing Invisalign?

No, don’t eat while wearing Invisalign. Invisalign is easy to remove for meals and snacks. While you’re eating, put your Invisalign aligners somewhere safe, like your case, where you won’t lose them. Once the meal is over, brush your teeth, rinse your aligners, and put them back in.

2. Should you leave Invisalign In While Sleeping?

Leave Invisalign in while you sleep unless your dentist directs you to do otherwise. Most patients wear Invisalign all the time except when eating. Most people need to wear Invisalign as often as 20 to 22 hours each day.

3. How long does Invisalign take to work?

Invisalign can work in 12 to 18 months. Some patients need to wear a retainer after they’ve finished with Invisalign in Franklin, TN. Every case is different, so your orthodontist will have to tell you how long you’ll need to wear Invisalign and whether you’ll need a retainer when the treatment is over.

Are you interested in Invisalign? If so, contact Cool Spring Orthodontics to make an appointment for an evaluation. Once we’ve determined whether Invisalign is a good product for your needs, we can help you get started with treatment.

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